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Stock photo: Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands Southern Saskatchewan Canada

Stock photo of a dirt road leading to magnificent Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands, Southern Saskatchewan, Canada.

Stock photo of Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands Southern Saskatchewan Canada
The dirt road leads to Castle Butte glowing from the sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands.
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    Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands Southern Saskatchewan Canada

    This stock photo shows the dirt road leading to Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands, Southern Saskatchewan, Canada.

    The foreground shows a dirt clay road cracked and worn leading up to Castle Butte. On each side of the dirt road there is prairie grass with highlights of yellows, greens and gold that disappears into the horizon.

    Castle Butte stands majestically in the background. The sunset glowing on Castle Butte brings its rich colors of gold, brown, and copper. The details of this massive rock formation show many ledges, deep crevices, and jagged edges caused by many years of erosion.

    The beautiful bright blue sky and soft clouds are a magnificent contrast to the monumental rock formation.

    Road leading to Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands, Southern Saskatchewan, Canada.

    Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands Southern Saskatchewan Canada
    Stock photo of a dirt road leading to magnificent Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands, Southern Saskatchewan, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_20523-ed.jpg - Castle Butte during sunset in the Big Muddy Badlands Southern Saskatchewan Canada
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