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Stock photo: Exercise equipment Black Bear Resort & Spa Port McNeill Northern Vancouver Island Vancouver

Stock photo of exercise equipment looking at the pool area at the Black Bear Resort & Spa, Port McNeill, Northern Vancouver Island, Vancouver.

Stock photo of Exercise equipment Black Bear Resort & Spa Port McNeill Northern Vancouver Island Vancouver
Exercise equipment looking at the pool area at the Black Bear Resort & Spa, Port McNeill.
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    Exercise equipment Black Bear Resort & Spa Port McNeill Northern Vancouver Island Vancouver

    This stock photo shows exercise equipment in a fitness room with windows that shows a pool at the Black Bear Resort & Spa, Port McNeill, Northern Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

    To the left is an Elliptical trainer, the stair stepper is in the center and a treadmill is on the right. The treadmill is reflected in a mirror on the wall to the right. The equipment is black and silver with red trim.

    The equipment is facing two long windows that show a pool.

    The exercise room is painted a light tan and has light wood trim for baseboard along the floor. The flooring is a dark linoleum.

    Elliptical trainers and a treadmill, fitness equipment in the fitness room next to the pool area at the Black Bear Resort & Spa, Port McNeill, Northern Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

    Exercise equipment Black Bear Resort & Spa Port McNeill Northern Vancouver Island Vancouver
    Stock photo of exercise equipment looking at the pool area at the Black Bear Resort & Spa, Port McNeill, Northern Vancouver Island, Vancouver.
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    cdn_22v_27327_28_29_30_31_32_33enhancer-ed.jpg - Exercise equipment Black Bear Resort & Spa Port McNeill Northern Vancouver Island Vancouver
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