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Stock photo: Fall autumn colors Kootenay Lake British Columbia Canada

Stock photo of fall colors on an island in Kootenay Lake, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

Stock photo of Fall autumn colors Kootenay Lake British Columbia Canada
Fall colors on an island in Kootenay Lake, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.
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    Fall autumn colors Kootenay Lake British Columbia Canada

    This stock photo shows wonderful fall colors on an island in Kootenay Lake, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

    A small island in Kootenay Lake reveals a few trees showing their festive fall colors. A hint of red and gold intermingle with the dominate green leaves of the trees.

    A rocky shore surrounds the small forest of the island. Beautiful majestic mountains sit in the distance of the calm dark waters of the lake.

    Soft puffy white clouds dominate the sky and hang low within the rocky mountain range. A soft blue sky peaks above the puffy clouds.

    In the foreground, sitting to the left of the island is a tree with wonderful autumn colors of yellow, gold, and green brighten the autumn scenery.

    Fall colors on an island in Kootenay Lake, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

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    Fall autumn colors Kootenay Lake British Columbia Canada

    Fall autumn colors Kootenay Lake British Columbia Canada
    Stock photo of fall colors on an island in Kootenay Lake, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_33534-ed_4.jpg - Fall autumn colors Kootenay Lake British Columbia Canada
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