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Stock photo: Fall autumn colors trees Crawford Bay Central Kootenay British Columbia Canada

Stock photo of fall colors in Crawford Bay, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

Stock photo of Fall autumn colors trees Crawford Bay Central Kootenay British Columbia Canada
Bright fall colors in Crawford Bay, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.
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Stock Photos from the collection "East Kootenay"

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    Fall autumn colors trees Crawford Bay Central Kootenay British Columbia Canada

    This stock photo shows bright fall colors surround the small cabin in Crawford Bay, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

    A beautiful sunny day shows it wonderful autumn colors in Crawford Bay. Dominating the fall scenery is a row of trees filled with bright red leaves.

    Under the trees, the forest floor is covered in golden brown leaves. A small cabin is partially hidden among the forest trees.

    The light color of the peaked roof of the cabin stands out among the green and red of the forest colors. Evergreens stand tall in the background of the cabin.

    A bright blue sky filled with large puffs of white soft clouds adds a wonderful contrasting backdrop to the wonderful autumn day. Small young evergreens are scattered among the lawn.

    Fall colors in Crawford Bay, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

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    Fall autumn colors trees Crawford Bay Central Kootenay British Columbia Canada

    Fall autumn colors trees Crawford Bay Central Kootenay British Columbia Canada
    Stock photo of fall colors in Crawford Bay, Central Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_33557-ed_4.jpg - Fall autumn colors trees Crawford Bay Central Kootenay British Columbia Canada
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