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Stock photo: Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area British Columbia Canada

Stock photo of Elk River and the Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area, East Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

Stock photo of Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area British Columbia Canada
Elk River and Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area in East Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.
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    Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area British Columbia Canada

    This stock photo shows the fall scenery of the Elk River and the Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area, East Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

    Rugged snow capped mountains are the picturesque backdrop of the Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area.

    The lush green forest with touches of brilliant autumn colors surround the snowy mountain range of Mount Broadwood and along the river’s edge.

    The autumn colors of red, gold, and yellow intermingle within the green forest on this wonderful autumn day.

    The Elk River runs through the scenery surrounded by the sandy beaches and wild tall grass splashed with fall colors. Large puffy clouds hang low in the bright blue sky just over the mountain range.

    Elk River and the Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area, East Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.

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    Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area British Columbia Canada

    Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area British Columbia Canada
    Stock photo of Elk River and the Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area, East Kootenay, British Columbia, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_33569-ed_4.jpg - Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area British Columbia Canada
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