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Stock photo: Pacific white sided dolphins British Columbia Canada

Stock photo of Pacific white sided dolphins in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Lagenorhynchus obliquidens

Stock photo of Pacific white sided dolphins British Columbia Canada
Pacific white sided dolphins in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, Canada.
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    Pacific white sided dolphins British Columbia Canada

    This stock photo shows a large pod of Pacific white sided dolphins in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Lagenorhynchus obliquidens

    This amazing scenery reveals the Pacific white sided dolphins as they glide in the waters of the Queen Charlotte Strait.

    These beautiful creatures cause the waters to wake show their sleek bodies and dorsal fins through the bubbly crests. The Pacific white sided dolphins’ dorsal fin, beak, flippers and bark are dark gray, with light gray on their sides.

    A light gray stripe runs above the eye and widens along the tail. A creamy white color is on the belly, chin and throat. To add to the beauty of the scenery is a shadowy mountain range in the far distance.

    The sky is covered with heavy storm clouds that hang low on the horizon. A few birds fly over the pod of dolphins.

    Pacific white sided dolphins in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Lagenorhynchus obliquidens

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    Pacific white sided dolphins British Columbia Canada

    Pacific white sided dolphins British Columbia Canada
    Stock photo of Pacific white sided dolphins in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, Canada. Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
    Scientific Name
    Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
    Stock photo ID
    crw_0455-ed.jpg - Pacific white sided dolphins British Columbia Canada
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