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Stock photo: Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River Niagara Falls state of New York United States

Stock photo of a section of the Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River, Niagara Falls, state of New York, United States.

Stock photo of Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River Niagara Falls state of New York United States
Section of a platform of Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River Niagara Falls New York
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    Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River Niagara Falls state of New York United States

    This stock photo is the Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River, Niagara Falls, state of New York, United States.

    This section of the plant shows the gray cinder block construction. Below the plant is the turbulent green foamy water that is used to generate power for the plant.

    The large platform has three smaller gray concrete platforms. To the right is a structure that has a red roof and red sides with a gray panel. This structure is wider at the bottom than the top.

    The platform also has three concrete open sections. The sections are concrete with four legs and a rectangular opening of the rooftop. These identical groupings of silver metal cylindrical containers, transformers, and power distribution lines.

    Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant, Niagara River, Niagara Falls, State of New York, USA.

    Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River Niagara Falls state of New York United States
    Stock photo of a section of the Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River, Niagara Falls, state of New York, United States.
    Stock photo ID
    cdn_22v_12979-ed.jpg - Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River Niagara Falls state of New York United States
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    Copyright © 2022 - hicker-stock-photography.com / All rights reserved - Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant in Niagara River Niagara Falls state of New York United States